Editorial Design | Layout & Typography | Collage Art
Micro-Scopes is designed as a serial publication that merges art and science through a series of art and science collaborations. The publication explores plant life at a microscopic and molecular level, taking us through a microscopic look at the flora and fauna of Jurong Lake Gardens, as well as translating and visualising scientific research and data acquired about plants at a molecular level. The publication employs techniques of cartography and instant design and includes an insert.
Dimensions: 297x420 mm (A3 Size)
Fonts: Grange, FreightSans Pro, Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro
Binding & Printing: Singer Sewn binding, Full colours throughout
Spread Flip Through
4D Visualisation of the LHCII Monomer
Micro-Scopes Insert
Photographed by Bernetta Soh Lay Hui
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